Method Functional Safety

If it is not (cyber) secure, it is not safe - Mike StJohn-Green, CEng FIET, Technical Director, Method Cyber Security

If it is not (cyber) secure, it is not safe - Mike StJohn-Green, CEng FIET, Technical Director, Method Cyber Security

The first reported cyber-attack on a Safety Integrated System demonstrates that systems important to safety need cyber security measures to avoid their safety arguments being invalidated. But there is a broader justification: cyber security risks arise as a direct result of the nature of networked digital technology, which renders existing safety analysis inadequate to mitigate those risks.

Existing standards recognise that safety and security practices need to work together but detailed, procedural best practice is not yet mature. This paper identifies some specific areas where industry thought-leaders could share how they are dealing with this topic and raises a question about the ethics of using of the most advanced technologies in systems that are important to safety.

This paper was first presented at Hazards 29.

Mike StJohn-Green, CEng FIET, Technical Director, Method Cyber Security 

Dil Wetherill, CEng, FInstMC, MIET Managing Director Method Functional Safety


“If it not secure, it is not safe” – this is a quote  from Professor Robin Bloomfield and his team at Adelard, published in 2013.  This message has been around for over 5 years, but its significance is still not fully appreciated and how to implement secure safety systems is still being debated . This paper will review progress in developing standards and guidance for the interaction between cyber security and safety and suggest where further work is needed to share emerging best practice.

It is self-evident that safety systems should be protected against the intentional acts of people with malicious intent. Irrespective of their motivation or the means by which they may try to achieve their ends, when designing safety systems, the security of those systems should be considered. 

Let us imagine a disgruntled employee who wishes to cause a major accident by causing a storage tank to overflow. In order to do this, they would need to compromise both the control and safety systems. For someone familiar with control and instrumentation components, this would be a relatively simple task, should this person be able to access the instrumentation.

Physical and personnel security is in place to prevent unauthorised access to the instrumentation. But in today’s world, we must also consider the security of safety systems from those who might exploit networked digital technology to cause serious damage, without exposing themselves to harm and without having to be present on the site at the time. Normal physical and personnel security measures are inadequate alone and cyber security measures will be needed to protect the control and safety systems.

Is an attack on a safety system realistic? 

It is clear from what is reported in the press  that some countries (Nation State Actors in the parlance of the security community) are exploring the weaknesses in the critical infrastructure of other countries. These nation states are developing the capabilities to interfere with that infrastructure, should political, diplomatic or military considerations prompt it. Inevitably, this topic is under-reported – either because the capability has been covertly introduced and has not been detected or because it is not in the interests of the adversary or the commercial organisation that is the victim to publicise such attacks when they are detected. Recent reports have emerged , particularly in the United States, as part of a campaign of diplomatic pressure.

There is one well-documented story of an attack against a safety system – a Schneider Electric Triconex Safety Instrumented System . The nature of the attack suggests that the adversary made a mistake and the Triconex triple redundancy integrity-checking was triggered, revealing the presence of the intruder. This was reported to be a sophisticated and stealthy attack that required a considerable investment in time and skill. An adversary is only likely to make such an investment to undermine an SIS as a means to a wider goal, such as to cause the process being protected to suffer a major accident.

Why is cyber security such a challenge? 

Since the invention of integrated circuits in the late 1960s and their widespread use from the 1970s, digital technology has replaced electromechanical e.g. relay-based and other e.g. pneumatic-based control systems. The integrated circuits that underpin digital technology have grown in sophistication at an exponential rate, doubling in processing power every 18 months . That processing power has enabled software-intensive systems to be built with ever larger and more complicated programmes. Since the creation of the internet in the 1990s, the digital technology itself is largely designed, created and operated through other digital technology with connections to the internet. This networked digital technology is being used in the control systems of today, under the umbrella term of OT.

New digital technology is built on top of existing digital technology. Rarely is anything built from individual transistors – the electronic equivalent of building it from first principles. The digital technology used to control industrial plant is likely to be built from hundreds or thousands of integrated circuits to form programmable machines that execute software. Integrated circuits may contain millions or in some cases billions of transistors and are the product of high-level abstract designs that are interpreted by other machines, to translate those designs into transistor patterns in silicon. 

The authors of those programmes rarely build anything from first principles either. The programmes that these machines execute are generally written in a high-level language and then compiled or translated by other programmes (e.g. compilers) to form the actual executable code that will command the individual transistors in the programmable integrated circuits. These programmes invoke other programmes, or fragments, provided as libraries of helpful routines.

This technology has become so sophisticated that rarely can one person grasp the detail from top to bottom – from the industrial function being performed to the interaction of the individual transistors that determine whether a valve opens or closes. Contrast this with a panel of relays performing simple ladder logic, where one could follow the wires to determine the control logic. Designers cope with this sophistication by using abstract models for the building blocks that they are assembling. The hardware engineer building the programmable controller will regard the integrated circuits as building blocks, the software designer will regard the programmable controller hardware, the compiler and software libraries as building blocks, the control engineer will regard the controller and its integral software as a building block, and so forth. 

At each level, there will be flaws in the building blocks due to errors in their implementation, but those flaws are generally not known to the higher-level system designers. These flaws may create vulnerabilities in the operation of the system. A simplified description of a building block, e.g. describing inputs and outputs but not the complexity within, is vital for complex system design. At each layer of design, it is too easy to assume that the building blocks are perfect. For example, libraries of software functions may have security vulnerabilities that have remained undiscovered simply because those library functions are unlikely to be fully analysed except by the most rigorous and very expensive assessment. Further, it is impractical to perform sufficient testing to identify all flaws in complicated, software-intensive systems. 

There is a further source of flaws, which arise from errors in requirements for those building blocks or assumptions in how they may be assembled to form systems. A simple example is buffer overflow, which occurs when more data than expected is sent to into a computer programme, with the effect that the unexpected data ‘overflows’ the input buffer and overwrites (and corrupts) an unrelated part of memory. This can occur because of a mismatch in the specification between the designer of the building block and the system designer who uses the building block. This error in requirements results in a vulnerability that remain hidden to the system designer but may be discovered by an adversary and exploited. 

Why doesn’t my existing safety analysis automatically cover cyber security? 

An industrial control and safety system is designed to operate deterministically (i.e. it responds in a particular way to a particular set of input conditions). It is accepted that a mathematical reliability model can be used to calculate the probabilities of various important failure rates. There are some assumptions behind this approach: that the system under control and its control system do not materially change over time; component failures are in general understood, independent and random (and can be modelled based on these assumptions) and that the humans interacting with the control system are honest and well-intentioned.

An adversary is not honest or well-intentioned and may choose to modify the control and safety system from what was originally designed. They may use the control system’s own capabilities in a manner unintended by the designer. It would be very hard to model all such possibilities: the safety analysis would have to represent multiple simultaneous failures of the control system or of the system under control, e.g. pumps being commanded to set up oscillations while sensors were also misreading. The design of the attack is unpredictable and unlikely to be considered in a conventional safety analysis. Further, the control system could be ‘caught in the crossfire’ and be an unintended victim of an attack directed elsewhere – such as a ransomware encryption of computer media, where there the intent of the attack is to infect personal computers, not industrial control systems. 

Effective safety analysis is based on having sufficient knowledge of component failure rates and modes e.g. a value of the ‘mean time to fail’ for each, based on historical data for the same or similar components. Also, information about design weaknesses, such as those identified from accident investigations, will be available to inform safety calculations. Cyber security does not have the same sharing culture for good reasons – knowledge of vulnerabilities cannot easily be kept from those who may use that knowledge for malicious intent. Consequently, flaws in digital technology (e.g. software bugs) are frequently kept secret until the vendor can provide remediation and users can update their systems. This means that while safety hazards do not change very quickly, the security risks arising from adversary action can change very rapidly.

As has been described earlier, making control systems flexible and programmable also makes them vulnerable to attack. Also, the way systems are built, from building blocks comprising smaller building blocks, means the system designer works with a simplified, abstract model. It may be impractical to model all the vulnerabilities that a system has – even if they were all known at the time of the analysis. And the vulnerabilities will change as the system is developed by the end user, but also as it is “patched” and new features added by the vendors’ software upgrades. These changes may happen very frequently – for example with Microsoft’s weekly updates, referred to by many as ‘Patch Tuesday’ .

An attack may be designed so that it “adds” capability over and above what the system was designed to do. A USB connection can be used to add a storage device that downloads a malicious programme or to introduce a wireless connection to the outside world.

Consequently, the cyber security equivalent of a fault tree – an attack tree – cannot be demonstrated to be complete. It can be a useful tool, but it should not be thought of as equivalent to a (safety) fault tree. The attack tree is only as good as the imagination of those who created it and their understanding of the vulnerabilities in the fine detail of the system. They may not be able to imagine all the different ways their adversaries may attack, including all future possibilities as new techniques evolve to exploit vulnerabilities in the system. 

Networking of digital technology adds a further challenge. The adversary may attack multiple aspects of a networked control system. Control systems that are connected by fast, flexible networks cannot be assessed in isolation unless the nature of the network connections is highly constrained (to prohibit propagation of malicious activity across the network). Thus, the possible failure modes of individual control systems cannot be analysed by assuming that all its input connections are as they were designed to be – as the attack may have introduced or removed connections in unimagined ways.

Therefore, the model and underlying assumptions currently used for the safety analysis cannot model the actions of a human adversary acting on networked digital technology used in OT. Consequently, the safety analysis that results will not cover cyber security of OT.

What does current guidance tell us?

Functional safety standard IEC 61511-1:2016  now calls for a security assessment to be performed, as an addition to the existing hazard and risk analysis. However, the nature of the cyber security risk assessment is not defined and, more importantly, the scheduling of such an assessment is not prescribed. As set out above, the exposure to risk arising from the use of networked digital technology may change suddenly, when a new vulnerability is discovered which can be exploited by adversaries. This means that the cyber security risk assessment should not be an activity that is scheduled by the calendar: the organisation needs to have the competence to recognise when its assessment of risk is no longer valid and revisit the adequacy of its cyber security controls. The cyber security risk assessment must be a continuous, iterative activity performed within a cyber security management system.

A nuclear safety and security standard IEC 62859: 2016 is devoted to the relationship between safety and security for instrumentation and control system in nuclear power plants, though its guidance is more widely applicable. The standard describes how to integrate cyber security and safety in the design and construction of OT systems, to manage conflicts between safety and cyber security, and maximise the potential synergies between them. It contains a list of examples of potential conflicts between cyber security requirements and safety requirements, as a guide to readers. IEC 62869 does not extend to the level of detail to provide procedures for cyber security or safety experts to reflect this close relationship. Also, IEC 62859 could be unhelpfully interpreted to mean that security objectives should be considered only after the architecture to meet safety objectives has been agreed. Other standards and guidance, e.g. IAEA’s NSS-33T , indicate that safety and security requirements for nuclear instrumentation and control systems need to be considered together, iteratively.

Cyber security standards for IT environments, e.g. ISO 27000, are mature and have the following common features: a continuous risk management cycle and a catalogue of cyber security controls from which to choose. Those standards are applicable in general terms to OT environments but can deliver the wrong answers because, while IT security considers risk to the information, OT cyber security needs to consider risk to the industrial process of the system under control. Further, OT environments will generally have more stringent requirements for system response times and network latency performance than corresponding IT environments. Some cyber security controls that are commonly used in IT environments may introduce response delays or increases in processing loads that would be unacceptable to the OT’s real-time operation.

Leading cyber security standards for OT environments, IEC 62443 , the NIST Cyber Security Framework  and – within the UK – the NCSC Cyber Assessment Framework , while suited to OT, do not provide guidance on how to integrate safety and cyber security requirements. 

In conclusion, some safety standards are recognising the need for safety and cyber security to be considered together in the system engineering design and throughout the operational lifecycles. Some safety standards offer general guidance. Cyber security standards are further behind. Crucially, there are currently no codes of practice or detailed procedures for engineers to follow, to tell them what to do differently where networked digital technology is used with systems important to safety.

Academics have proposed analysis techniques  based on systems theory to provide an integrated approach to both security and safety, but this shifts the focus of the security analysis away from risks arising from specific vulnerabilities to studying the mechanisms that allow the system to enter a vulnerable system state. In simple terms, this top-down analysis technique focuses on building the systems better in the first place, rather than reacting to vulnerabilities as they are discovered. Arguably, this approach needs to be complemented by a bottom-up approach that addresses the vulnerabilities that were not caught by the top-down approach, as those vulnerabilities are discovered during the operational lifetime of the system.

What is to be done? 

Be cautious and ask questions

The first, key message is one of awareness across the industry: engineers should be cautious and ask questions about the risks arising from networked digital technology in systems important to safety. Engineers should recognise the immaturity of the safety and cyber security standards where the two disciplines interact. For example, there are claims made by some vendors that safety instrumented systems can be integrated with the control systems they protect, based on arguments that such combinations still provide adequate safety independence. The evidence and argumentation of such a claim must necessarily make assumptions about the nature of unknown vulnerabilities in a combined control and safety system, and the ability of adversaries to exploit those vulnerabilities now and in the future. It may be that such combined control and safety systems may not be sufficiently secure, even if they are considered to be sufficiently independent to be safe.

There are recommended architectures that show Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) being connected to the same network as the control systems that they protect. However, since the recent attack on an SIS, at least one vendor has reissued guidance  advising that the SIS is not left permanently connected to the control network. 

In summary, not everything that can be done with networked digital technology, e.g. putting SIS online, should not be done.

Amend and develop new procedures

This paper has identified the generalities: safety and security requirements need to be resolved in the system engineering design and throughout the operational lifecycles; and that current standards do not provide detailed guidance on how to do so. Standards emerge from best practice that is developed by the thought-leaders in the field, by practitioners who are having to solve these problems then sharing their experience. Areas for such development include identifying:

  • how to describe specific requirements for the safe operation of systems in the cyber security risk assessment methods used for OT;
  • how to include sufficient analysis of cyber security vulnerabilities in Layers of Protection Analysis, because the assumed independence of those layers of protection may be undermined by cyber security vulnerabilities and the actions of adversaries to exploit them;
  • how to include considerations of cyber security in the assessment of hazardous conditions as performed in a Hazard and Risk Analysis. It is insufficient to take an H&RA report and then ensure that cyber security vulnerabilities cannot enable an initiating event. For example, the H&RA report needs to be extended to consider if an adversary can exploit vulnerabilities so as to make realistic a hazardous condition that was previously considered not credible.

Work as a multi-disciplinary team

Unless and until detailed procedures are published, engineers will have to use their judgement and experience, based on their skills and knowledge. However, rarely will all the knowledge and skill to span safety and cyber security for OT be found in one individual. A team approach is required, and that team needs to have access to the knowledge and skills generally only found in IT security teams, of the latest vulnerabilities identified in commodity IT components, such as Windows or Linux operating systems, network protocols and common software tools. The team will also need to understand the industrial processes of the systems under control and the argumentation behind their safety cases.

Therefore, multi-disciplinary team-working may mean including cyber security expertise in HAZOP meetings and when considering layers of independent protection for safety. It also means including safety expertise when considering the defensive cyber security architecture for an OT environment.

Language and culture differ between cyber security and functional safety. Mutual knowledge and understanding may be limited, and organisations may have to take active steps to remediate. Best practice may include job shadowing, cross-training, etc.

Governance, continuous cyber security risk management 

Senior risk owners should expect the nature of cyber security risk to change and should therefore maintain the organisation’s capability to track the changing risks arising from networked digital technology change, in order to respond promptly. This in turn requires a cyber security management system, as described in existing standards. It is likely to call for new ways of working within and between departments, for example calling on the IT security team to feed data that may trigger a re-assessment of risk in the OT environment.

This in turn raises questions about governance, about who owns the risk arising from the use of networked digital technology in OT environments, who operates the cyber security risk management system for OT and how it interacts with the safety management system. The answer to these questions will depend on the existing management structure of the organisation but it would be valuable to see how best practice is developing.

Make systems more observable

Simpler systems are easier to make safe and make secure. A corollary is that for a given degree of complexity, the more observable a system, the easier it is to assure its safe and secure operation. Engineers could do more to design systems that are intrinsically more observable in their operation, in order to identify anomalous conditions that may indicate malicious activity or a fault condition. That observability is best designed into the system as a characteristic, although monitoring points on networks can offer the means to make existing systems more observable.  Monitoring is only as effective as the operational staff performing the supervisory role and they need to know what constitutes abnormal behaviour of the OT as an indicator of a potential cyber security problem – a less well-defined question than whether the system is entering a hazardous state. Monitoring will increase costs, which will only be endorsed if it is understood as an effective way to reduce recognised risks to the use of networked digital technology in OT.

An ethical question

The big unanswered question is whether the tools and techniques currently at the disposal of engineers are adequate to make the most advanced networked digital technology safe and secure. Given that those tools and techniques inevitably lag behind advances in technology, this means that there may be some advanced technology that should not be used for systems important to safety simply because best practice does not yet tell us how to make those systems safe enough and secure enough. Engineers have an ethical responsibility to declare when a design is beyond what can be assured for safety and security, not just build it and then try to fix it.


  • Bloomfield, Prof R, Stroud R., Sep 2013, Security-Informed Safety “If it’s not secure, it’s not safe”, MarcOlivier Killijian. Safecomp 2013 FastAbstract, Toulouse, France. pp.NC, 2013.
  • Braband Prof. Dr. Jens, Principal Key Expert Siemens AG, May 2018, Safety and security – principles for railway automation, Signal + Draht  Volume 110, Issue 5
  • Alert (TA18-074A),  March 2018, Russian Government Cyber Activity Targeting Energy and Other Critical Infrastructure Sectors, Official website of the Department of Homeland Security: 
  • Coats, Daniel R., Director of National Intelligence, Statement for the record for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence: Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community 29 January 2019: 
  • MAR-17-352-01 HatMan—Safety System Targeted Malware, 27 February 2019, US DHS NCCICC: 
  • A new way to extend Moore’s Law, 8 June 2017, Economist (behind a paywall):
  • Microsoft Patch Tuesday, 9 January 2019, Symantec Corporation: 
  •  IEC publications:  
  •  IAEA publications:
  • ISA-99 standards development: 
  • US Department of Commerce NIST Cybersecurity Framework v1.1: 
  • UK NCSC Cyber Assessment Framework, October 2018: 
  • Young, W.E., Leveson, Prof N., IT, Cambridge, MA, December 2013, Systems thinking for safety and security,  ACSAC '13 Proceedings of the 29th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 
  • EcoStruxure Triconex Tricon V3, 14 December 2018, Schneider Electric Security Notification: 

The Method Team delivers training on OT Cyber Security. See Method Cyber Security training courses.


Title: If it is not (cyber) secure, it is not safe - Mike StJohn-Green, CEng FIET, Technical Director, Method Cyber Security
Date: 2019-06-26
Published by: Method Cyber Security

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