Mike StJohn-Green and Dil Wetherill are presenting a paper on Cyber Security at Hazards 29.
Synopsis: the first reported cyber-attack on a Safety Integrated System demonstrates that systems important to safety need cyber security measures to avoid their safety arguments being invalidated. But there is a broader justification: cyber security risks arise as a direct result of the nature of networked digital technology, which renders existing safety analysis inadequate to mitigate those risks. Existing standards recognise that safety and security practices need to work together but detailed, procedural best practice is not yet mature. This paper identifies some specific areas where industry thought-leaders could share how they are dealing with this topic and raises a question about the ethics of using of the most advanced technologies in systems that are important to safety.
Date: 2.25pm on Thursday May 23rd.
Mike StJohn-Green, CEng FIET, Technical Director, Method Cyber Security
Dil Wetherill, CEng, MIET, MInstP, Managing Director Method Functional Safety